AMC of IT Equipment

AMC stands for Annual Maintenance Contract. It is also known as Annual Maintenance Charges. In AMC, the we usually provides service support to the customer and charges for the faulty parts of the machine. The AMC provides a satisfaction and peace of mind to the customers during the contract duration because, the contact contains the maintenance, regular checkups, and routine work to regulate the performance of the device.

On Site Computer Repairs/Part Replacement

Our technicians are all certified and have passed a background check. OnSite service is usually hardware-related and may include repairing or replacing parts. The OnSite service for pc repair may include memory upgrades (RAM), SSD upgrades, hard drive failure, or broken parts of various types and more.

Software Application Maintenance

Our software application maintenance packages help protect the software from software problems but are usually meant for a specific time period. We have proven the experience of maintaining enterprise software systems with SLA driven support process.

IT Infrastructure Rental

We are the leading provider of short term technology equipment rentals, technical service and support. We carry state of the art infrastructure, computers and display technologies from Major manufacturers and host of other brands. We maintain a huge inventory which means you can get the equipment you need, when you need it with convenient payment terms.

Providing Comprehensive/Non Comprehensive Services

In a comprehensive AMC, the analysis of breakdowns/faults in the hardware and repairing/service is taken care of by the service provider. This includes spare parts replacement. Apart from this, preventive maintenance is also done, on a predetermined/agreed-to frequency. In a non comprehensive AMC, the cost of spare parts replacement must be borne by the customer. This usually means only service.

Customized Contracts for AMC

Palsana Infosystems provides customized AMC contracts to suit your support needs. We focus on your core business while our experts manage your complex IT environment.

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