Missed Call Service

Missed call service is a fast and cost-free medium to collect customer responses and generate relevant leads for your customer. Every missed call helps you collect a high-quality lead.

You can organise quick polls, surveys and customer engaging contests without any cost to the caller. Receive a large number of missed calls concurrently and do not miss out on customer response. Your customers can simply request a callback by giving a missed call.

Eliminate tedious tasks of filling out a lengthy information form. Get customer information by asking your customers to give a missed call.

Call analytics dashboard gives insight into the performance and success of the missed call campaign. You can keep track of all the missed calls received over a single dashboard. Create and schedule reports to your and team member’s email ID.

You can apply from mail to : palsanainfosystems@gmail.com or call : +91-9571129852, 7300406338

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